====== ROSEGARDEN 17.12, codename "Ultimate Pleasure" RELEASED ====== The Rosegarden team is proud to announce the release of version 17.12 of Rosegarden, a MIDI sequencer that features a rich understanding of music notation along with basic support for digital audio. http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/ 17.12 brings us numerous bug fixes by Yves Guillemot and Ted Felix. Ted has also continued his work on cleaning up the source base with a rewrite of the Audio Mixer window and simplified handling of the volume, pan, etc... control change knobs and faders. ===== Bug Fixes for 17.12.1 ===== * Fix volume slider having no effect on softsynths. (Bug [[https://sourceforge.net/p/rosegarden/bugs/1557/|#1557]], [[https://sourceforge.net/p/rosegarden/code/15123/|r15123]]) ===== Bug Fixes ===== * Fix progress dialog lockups in KDE (bug #1546, r15031-r15034) * Fix disappearing lyrics in lyrics editor (bug #1547, r15035-r15036) * Fix bug #1548: Last syllable of lyrics is not copied between two linked segments. (r15037) * Fix bug #1550: Crash with lyric editor and linked segments (r15038) * Fix bug #1551: No sound from an audio file when pressing rewind then play. (r15039) * Fix bug #1549: Matrix Editor: Velocity ruler not updated correctly when changing velocity using the velocity tool (r15041-r15046) * Fix alias change not updating label on the audio instrument parameters. (r15058) * Fix miscellaneous cosmetic issues related to the ThornStyle upgrade. (r15076-r15081) * Fix time mode toolbar buttons on the Event List and other windows. (r15083) * Fix incorrect window titles on the preferences and document properties windows. (r15084) * Fix garbage property names in Event Edit window. (r15085) * Display velocities modified from the velocity ruler in the status bar for the notation editor. (r15088) * Fix bug #1552: Rosegarden fails to build with cmake-3.9.0. (r15089) * Fix crash when launching plugin dialog introduced by r14648. (r15091) * Fix external controller audio volume/pan bug (r15107) * Fix crash in rulers when pressing mouse buttons (r15116) * Export to LilyPond as a repeat sequence several consecutive linked segments is now possible (bug #1470, r15119) * Fix duplicate connection in initial autoload (r15122) * Fix crash when exporting to LilyPond. (bug #1553, r15135) * Fix lilypond options dialog too big. (r15140) ===== New Features ===== * Add "Use track name for new segments" preference. (r15090) =====Other people who contributed to Rosegarden development:===== * Stuart Prescott * Lorenzo Sutton =====People who contributed device files to the Rosegarden Library===== * Karl Marksteiner * Lucas