src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixView.h 68: virtual void initStatusBar() { }//!!! 69: virtual void updateViewCaption() { }//!!! 70: virtual timeT getInsertionTime() { return 0; }//!!! src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixView.cpp 466: // emit usedSelection();//!!! src/gui/editors/matrix/OldMatrixView.cpp 75: //!!!#include "gui/general/ActiveItem.h" 282: //!!! if (isDrumMode()) m_staffs[i]->setX(resolution); 581: //!!! addPropertyViewRuler(BaseProperties::VELOCITY); 1010: //!!! rather too much here shared with notationview -- could much of 1314: /*!!! 1332: //!!! } 1343: /*!!! 1484: //!!! For now. Probably unlike slotSetPointerPosition this one 1903: //!!! 2087: m_velocityCombo->setCurrentIndex(100); //!!! associate with segment 2619: //!!! There's a lot of code shared between matrix and notation for src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixScene.cpp 111: //!!! This logic is inherited from the older code, but I'm not 112: //!!! sure about it. The effect is that we only show percussion 113: //!!! "diamonds" if there is a key mapping present for the 114: //!!! instrument, but it seems to me that surely we should show 115: //!!! percussion diamonds whenever we're asked for a percussion 116: //!!! matrix window (and simply only show the key names if there 117: //!!! is a key mapping). Consider this 181: return m_segments[0]; //!!! for now 424: mme.viewSegment = m_viewSegments[0]; //!!! 449: mme.pitch = 127 - (sy / (m_resolution + 1)); //!!! function for this, to be used by MatrixElement as well 653: canPreviewAnotherNote() //!!! dupe with NotationScene src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixViewSegment.h 43: //!!! const MidiKeyMapping *getKeyMapping() const; src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixSelector.cpp 173: /*!!! 326: /*!!! see note above 439: /*!!! 455: /*!!! 467: //!!! m_selectionRect->setSize(0, 0); 468: //!!! m_widget->canvas()->update(); 474: /*!!! 555: //!!! NB. In principle, this element might not come 556: //!!! from the right segment (in practice we only have 557: //!!! one segment, but that may change) src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixTool.h 47: //!!! todo: hoist common bits of this & NotationTool into a new src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixResizer.cpp 255: /*!!! src/gui/editors/matrix/PianoKeyboard.cpp 27: //!!!#include "MatrixView.h" 248: /*!!! src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixPainter.cpp 236: /*!!! src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixCanvasView.h 18: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! 67: /*!!! void activeItemPressed(QMouseEvent*, src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixSelector.h 88: void slotMatrixScrolled(int x, int y); //!!! do we need this? probably not src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixResizer.h 59: //!!! void slotMatrixScrolled(int x, int y); src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixMover.h 61: // void slotMatrixScrolled(int x, int y); //!!! do we need this? probably not src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixCanvasView.cpp 19: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! 101: //!!! Q3CanvasItem* activeItem = 0; 110: //!!! activeItem = item; 141: /*!!! 154: if (!m_staff.containsCanvasCoords(p.x(), p.y()) /*!!! && !activeItem */) src/gui/editors/matrix/MatrixPainter.h 60: void slotMatrixScrolled(int x, int y); //!!! do we need this? probably not src/gui/editors/notation/NotationWidget.cpp 60: //!!! 123: if (m_scene) m_scene->slotSetInsertCursorPosition(e->time, true, true); //!!! 130: //!!! todo: handle equivalents of NotationView::slotXXXItemPressed 147: /*!!! src/gui/editors/notation/NotationView.cpp 204: //!!! a->setChecked(*i == m_fontName); 211: //!!! QMenu *fontSizeActionMenu = new QMenu(tr("Si&ze"), this); 218: /*!!! 271: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! 411: //!!! slotSetInsertCursorPosition(endTime, true, false); 466: //!!! slotSetInsertCursorPosition(endTime, true, false); src/gui/editors/notation/NotationView.h 55: virtual void initStatusBar() { }//!!! 56: virtual void updateViewCaption() { }//!!! 57: virtual timeT getInsertionTime() { return 0; }//!!! src/gui/editors/notation/NotationScene.h 64: //!!! to keep current staff implementation happy: 71: virtual EventSelection *getSelection() const { return 0; } //!!! 72: virtual void setSelection(EventSelection* s, bool preview) { } //!!! 96: void handleEventRemoved(Event *) { }//!!! tell tools, in case they have m_someEvent stored 114: //!!! void hoveredOverNoteChanged(const QString ¬eName); 123: //!!! void hoveredOverAbsoluteTimeChanged(unsigned int time); src/gui/editors/notation/NotationWidget.h 58: //!!! to keep current NoteInserter implementation happy: 79: //!!! to keep current staff implementation happy: src/gui/editors/notation/NotationScene.cpp 429: //!!! m_widget->verticalScrollBar()->width() - 434: //!!! For the moment we use A4 for this calculation 455: //!!! For the moment we use A4 for this calculation 473: //!!! For the moment we use A4 for this calculation 861: /*!!! 967: //!!! bogus src/gui/editors/notation/StaffLayout.h 581: //!!! fix NotationView::doDeferredCursorMove 587: //!!! fix NotationView::getStaffForSceneCoords 595: //!!! fix NotationView::scrollToTime 597: getSceneCoordsForLayoutCoords(double x, int y) const;//!!! 603: //!!! fix NotationView::print etc 617: //!!! review that for qgraphicsview src/gui/editors/notation/StaffLayout.cpp 77: //!!! need to ensure our own disposal when segment destroyed 383: //!!! the lazy route: approximate, then get the right value 992: /*!!! No longer really good enough. But we could potentially use the src/gui/editors/notation/BarLineItem.cpp 69: y1 - y0 + 1);//!!! +/- 0.5? src/gui/editors/notation/OldNotationView.h 82: //!!!class NoteChangeActionData; 83: //!!!class NoteChangeActionDataMap; 557: //!!! void slotNoteChangeAction(); 558: //!!! void slotSetNoteDurations(Note::Type, bool notationOnly); 1040: //!!! typedef QMap NoteChangeActionDataMap; 1041: //!!! static NoteChangeActionDataMap* m_noteChangeActionDataMap; src/gui/editors/notation/OldNotationView.cpp 205: //!!! This will be totally overspecified if we complete the dynamic 206: //!!! action properties plan 256: /*!!! I'm almost completely convinced that this is never in fact used! 870: tCanvas->resize(width() * 2, height() * 2); //!!! 1571: //!!! not here yet createAction("move_selection_left", SLOT(slotMoveSelectionLeft())); 1691: //!!! 1718: //!!! NoteChangeActionData also never used, I think 2074: //!!! For the moment we use A4 for this calculation 2098: //!!! For the moment we use A4 for this calculation 2116: //!!! For the moment we use A4 for this calculation 2132: //!!! actually it probably does matter, if they don't have the same extents 2153: EditView::paintEvent(e); return; //&&& //!!! 2339: //!!! rather too much here shared with matrixview -- could much of 3066: //!!!??? was that the right thing to do? 3241: /*!!! 3306: /*!!! 3455: //!!!NotationView::NoteChangeActionDataMap* NotationView::m_noteChangeActionDataMap = 0; 4726: /*!!! 4821: Marks::NoMark)); //!!! 4892: //!!! experimental: 5027: //!!! This won't be undoable, and I'm not sure if that's seriously 5526: //!!! ??? 5788: //!!! use refresh mechanism 5796: //!!! use refresh mechanism 6030: //!!! Problematic. Ideally we wouldn't insert events into windows 6038: //!!! I know -- we'll keep track of which edit view (or main view, 6225: something = true; //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/NotationEraser.h 19: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/ClefInserter.cpp 19: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/GuitarChordInserter.cpp 19: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/NotationTool.cpp 57: //!!! m_widget->setHeightTracking(false); src/gui/editors/notation/NotationEraser.cpp 19: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/HeadersGroup.h 22: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/NotationSelector.h 19: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/NotePixmapFactory.cpp 2155: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! 2633: //!!! p->setMask(PixmapFunctions::generateMask(newPixmap, 2641: //!!! p->setMask(PixmapFunctions::generateMask(*m_generatedPixmap, 2711: //!!! use QPainterPath::cubicTo 3479: /*!!! 3493: // delete m_generatedMask; //!!! lose src/gui/editors/notation/TrackHeader.h 22: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/NotationStaff.h 58: public ProgressReporter //!!! maybe remove if we can make this fast enough src/gui/editors/notation/RestInserter.h 19: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/TextInserter.cpp 19: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/TrackHeader.cpp 22: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/NotationStaff.cpp 1866: //!!! NB This does not yet correctly handle clef and key lists! 1873: //!!! would be simpler if positionElements could also be called 1874: //!!! with iterators -- if renderElements/positionElements are 1875: //!!! going to be internal functions, it's OK and more consistent 1876: //!!! for them both to take itrs. positionElements has a quirk 1877: //!!! that makes it not totally trivial to change (use of 1878: //!!! nextBarTime) 1895: abort();//!!! 1991: abort();//!!! 2042: abort();//!!! src/gui/editors/notation/NotePixmapFactory.h 139: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! 176: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/RestInserter.cpp 19: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/NotationToolBox.cpp 54: /*!!! src/gui/editors/notation/TextInserter.h 19: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/NotePixmapPainter.h 32: //!!! update -- no masks, transparency instead src/gui/editors/notation/NoteInserter.cpp 118: //!!! grace & triplet mode should be stored by this tool, not by widget! 120: //!!! selection should be in scene, not widget! 131: //!!! m_widget->setHeightTracking(true); 187: /*!!! src/gui/editors/notation/HeadersGroup.cpp 22: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/ClefInserter.h 18: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/GuitarChordInserter.h 19: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/editors/notation/NotationSelector.cpp 19: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/general/EditViewBase.cpp 133: //!!! createGUI(getRCFileName()); 164: /*!!! src/gui/general/ListEditView.cpp 161: // QMainWindow::paintEvent(e); return;//&&& //!!! for experimental purposes 188: //!!! m_inPaintEvent = true; 280: //!!! m_inPaintEvent = false; 324: RG_DEBUG << "!!! Unknown toggle action : " << toggleActionName << endl; src/gui/general/EditView.cpp 202: EditViewBase::paintEvent(e); return;//&&& //!!! for experimental purposes 504: /*!!! src/gui/general/EditView.h 100: //!!! ActiveItem* activeItem() { return m_activeItem; } 105: //!!! void setActiveItem(ActiveItem* i) { m_activeItem = i; } 143: //!!! virtual void slotActiveItemPressed(QMouseEvent*, Q3CanvasItem*); 379: //!!! ActiveItem* m_activeItem; src/gui/application/RosegardenGUIView.cpp 260: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! 752: //!!! matrixView->scrollToTime(centerSegmentView); 753: //!!! matrixView->updateView(); 1760: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/configuration/NotationConfigurationPage.cpp 154: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! src/gui/rulers/PropertyControlRuler.cpp 149: /*!!! 227: /*!!! src/gui/rulers/ControlRuler.cpp 321: /*!!! EditView is no longer used -- need another way to do this 326: int scrollX = 0; //!!! src/gui/rulers/PercussionPitchRuler.cpp 156: /*!!! src/document/io/LilyPondExporter.cpp 974: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!! 989: #ifdef NOT_JUST_NOW //!!!