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ROSEGARDEN 15.12, codename "Peace" RELEASED

The Rosegarden team is pleased to announce the release of version 15.12 of Rosegarden, an audio and MIDI sequencer and musical notation editor for Linux.

[insert grandiose sounding blah blah here]

Bug Fixes

  • Fix minor compile issue affecting several distros (patch backported as 15.10.1 release)
  • Fix random dropped legato notes with softsynths (patch backported as 15.10.2 release)
  • Fix crash #1459: Using a null pointer when trying to write MIDI instrument in a LilyPond file from a RG file where instrument is not defined
  • Fix bug #1457: Repeating segments with volta are always exported to LilyPond unfolded when using multiple voices on the same track
  • Finish off #1455 involving repeats and LilyPond
  • Fix LilyPond export crash with very old files that date from when compositions had no verse property
  • Display the link Id after the label of the linked segment on the composition view. This helps to identify the linked segments (the texture is not always very visible) and to know at which other segments a segment is linked
  • Add a modified version of examples/lilypond-alternative-endings.rg usable to test #1457 fix
  • RG_WARNING is now a suitable replacement for std::cerr everywhere it occurs in the code
  • MidiFile: Simplify zero-length track handling
  • CMI: Improve recording performance
  • Fix bug #1458. The LilyPond exporter no longer exports redundant key signatures
  • Fix bug #1461. The document properties segment summary table is populated correctly

New Features

Other people who contributed to Rosegarden development:

  • Tito Latini

People who contributed device files to the Rosegarden Library

dev/15.12.1446587445.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/06 16:07 (external edit)
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