====== File Open/Save Test Plan ====== For feature request #518. https://sourceforge.net/p/rosegarden/feature-requests/518/ ===== Open File Not Found ===== * In ~/.config/rosegardenmusic/Rosegarden.conf * Remove the entry for [Last_Used_Paths] open_file and save the file. * Start Rosegarden. * File > Open * Confirm that the dialog is in your home directory or someplace else sensible for a first launch. * Open a file in a directory other than ~ or your build directory or the current directory when running rg. * File > Open * Confirm that the open dialog is in the directory from the last open. * In the dialog type a name that doesn't exist and hit return. * Confirm "Cannot open file" dialog. * Click OK. * In Rosegarden.conf, confirm [Last_Used_Paths] open_file is the directory of the file that was opened (not just a dot "."). * File > Open * Confirm that the open dialog is in the directory from the last open. * PASS, 22 January 2025, 32630947 (fr518 fixes), * FAIL, 22 January 2025, e83dcf00 (master), the dot appears for open_file and open is in the wrong directory. ===== Save Directory Not Found ===== * In ~/.config/rosegardenmusic/Rosegarden.conf * Remove the entry for [Last_Used_Paths] open_file * Remove the entry for [Last_Used_Paths] save_file * Save Rosegarden.conf. * Start Rosegarden. * Open a file in a directory other than ~ or your build directory or the current directory when running rg. * File > Save As... * Confirm dialog is in the directory where the file was opened. * Enter a name with a slash (X/y) - directory x should not exist. * Confirm "Could not save document at..." dialog. * Click OK. * File > New * File > Save As... * Confirm dialog is in the directory where the file was opened. * PASS, 22 January 2025, 32630947 (fr518 fixes). * FAIL, 22 January 2025, e83dcf00 (master). It's in "."! ===== Save With New Directory ===== * Start Rosegarden. * Open a file in a directory other than ~ or your build directory or the current directory when running rg. * File > Save as... * In the Save As dialog create a new directory. * Save the file there. * File > New * File > Save As * Confirm dialog is in the directory where the file was saved. * FAIL, 21 January 2025, 64943ed3 (master), Save As dialog is in the build directory. * PASS, 21 January 2025, 5588528e (fr518 fixes). Issue is fixed. ===== Save As And Open ===== * Start Rosegarden * Open a file. * File > Save As... * Save the file to a different directory. * File > Open * Confirm dialog is in the directory where the file was Opened (not where it was Saved As). * Cancel * PASS, 22 January 2025, 32630947 (fr518 fixes). ===== MRU Open And Stored Paths ===== * Start Rosegarden * File > Open * Make a note of the directory in the dialog. This is the Initial Directory. * Open a file via the MRU that is not in the Initial Directory. This will be the Open Directory. * File > Save As... * Confirm dialog is in Open Directory where the file is. * Cancel * File > Open * Confirm dialog is still in the Initial Directory. * Cancel * PASS, 22 January 2025, 32630947 (fr518 fixes).