====== Shortcut Editor Test Plan ====== ===== Make Play Space ===== * Remove the [UserShortcuts] section in Rosegarden.conf. * edit ~/.config/rosegardenmusic/Rosegarden.conf * A "Reset all shortcuts to defaults" feature would be helpful here. * Launch rg * Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts... * Filter: space * Select the "Punch In Record" row * Press "Remove all shortcuts" * Confirm Punch In Record disappears. * Filter: play * Select the "Rosegarden main window; Play" row * Double-click in the Shortcut box that has "Enter" in it. * Press the spacebar and wait a moment for the field to settle. * Click Ok * Confirm "restart required" message. Press Ok. * Restart rg * Press space * Confirm playback starts * Press the enter key to the right of the keypad on a full size keyboard. * Confirm nothing happens. * Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts... * "Reset all shortcuts to defaults" (button would be nice) * For now, go to each shortcut and reset. * To make this easier, click on the "User defined" column header twice to get the user defined shortcuts sorted to the top. * Rosegarden main window, Play. Reset. Confirm "Enter, Media Play, Ctrl+Return, Ctrl+Enter". * Rosegarden main window, Punch in Record. Reset. Confirm "Space". * Ok and Ok * Restart rg * Press the enter key on the keypad (or ctrl+return if your keyboard doesn't have a keypad). Confirm playback begins. * Press space to punch record. * Confirm recording begins as evidenced by a Segment appearing on track 1. * Press space to leave punch record. * Confirm Segment disappears since it was empty. * Press Ctrl+Enter to stop playback. * //PASS: 23 March 2022// - Partially. Didn't test with a full keyboard so couldn't confirm "Enter" behavior. ===== Filter on "media" ===== * Remove the [UserShortcuts] section in Rosegarden.conf. * edit ~/.config/rosegardenmusic/Rosegarden.conf * A "Reset all shortcuts to defaults" feature would be helpful here. * Launch rg * Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts... * Filter on media * Confirm five entries appear. * //Note: Only some users are able to use the Media keys.// * //PASS: 23 March 2022// ===== Conflicts: Normal path ===== * Remove the [UserShortcuts] section in Rosegarden.conf. * edit ~/.config/rosegardenmusic/Rosegarden.conf * A "Reset all shortcuts to defaults" feature would be helpful here. * Launch rg * Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts... * Filter: play * Select the "Rosegarden main window; Play" row * Double-click on the Shortcut which says "Enter". * Press the spacebar and wait for a moment. * Confirm the conflict dialog pops up. * Click Ok. * Confirm shortcuts are now: Space, Media Play, Ctrl+Return, Ctrl+Enter * Restart rg * Confirm space is now play. * //PASS: 23 March 2022// ===== Conflicts: Reset to Defaults Introduces Conflict ===== * Remove the [UserShortcuts] section in Rosegarden.conf. * edit ~/.config/rosegardenmusic/Rosegarden.conf * A "Reset all shortcuts to defaults" feature would be helpful here. * Launch rg * Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts... * Filter: play * Select the "Rosegarden main window; Play" row * Double-click on the Shortcut which says "Enter". * Press the spacebar and wait for a moment. * Confirm the conflict dialog pops up. * Click Ok. * Filter: punch * Select the "Rosegarden main window; Punch in Record" row. * Click "Reset to Defaults". * Conflict dialog appears. * Click Ok. * Confirm * Punch-in is space. * Play no longer has Enter as its first shortcut: Media Play, Ctrl+Return, Ctrl+Enter. * //PASS: 23 March 2022//