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The Audio File Manager is designed for both Import and Export of Audio files. An extensive background is given in Internal Link The supported formats are: wav, ogg, flac and mp3. Wave files (wav) are used internally by Rosegarden and importing other types implies that they will be translated on the fly for internal Rosegarden use. Likewise if you wish to export a given audio track, it can be exported in any of the supported formats.

File menu

  • Add Audio File… A standard Open File dialog appears where you may navigate to your file and Open it. It will then appear in the list of available files.

The display includes file details including its name, duration and sample rate.

  • Export Audio File… becomes an active possibility (i.e. not grayed), when there is a file in the above box.
  • Close exits the dialog

Edit menu Becomes active when there is at least one file in the above box.

  • Unload Audio File
doc/audiomanager-en.1259252115.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/06 16:07 (external edit)
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