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start [2008/04/30 11:30]
start [2024/09/30 13:30] (current)
tedfelix [English]
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-This is a test +====== Rosegarden Wiki ====== 
-Linking to [[a new page]]+ 
 +This is the Wiki for the Rosegarden MIDI sequencer.  Useful links: 
 +  * https://sourceforge.net/projects/rosegarden/ - Main downloads and support. 
 +  * http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/ - Website with various info. 
 +  * https://github.com/tedfelix/rosegarden-official - Secondary source code and support. 
 +If you wish to add any new documentation or update anything in here, please contact us on the [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/rosegarden/lists/rosegarden-devel|dev mailing list]] to request access. 
 +//Note that developer pages are in the "dev:" namespace, formal project documentation is in the "doc:" namespace, and pages for translators are in the "translator:" namespace.  General user pages do not have any particular namespace; call them whatever you like.// 
 +===== Release and Testing Notes ===== 
 +  * Release notes for [[dev:24.06]] 
 +  * Release notes for [[dev:23.12]] 
 +  * Release notes for [[dev:23.06]] 
 +  * Release notes for [[dev:22.12.1]] 
 +  * Release notes for [[dev:22.12]] 
 +  * Release notes for [[dev:22.06]] 
 +  * Release notes for [[dev:21.12]] 
 +  * [[dev:21.12 Testing Notes]] 
 +  * Release notes for [[dev:21.06.1]] 
 +  * Release notes for [[dev:21.06]] 
 +  * [[dev:21.06 Testing Notes]] 
 +  * Release notes for [[dev:20.12]] 
 +  * [[dev:20.12 Testing Notes]] 
 +  * Release notes for [[dev:20.06]] 
 +  * [[dev:Release Notes Archive]] 
 +===== Documentation ===== 
 +==== English ==== 
 +Some of this might be bit outdated.  Contact us on the [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/rosegarden/lists/rosegarden-devel|dev mailing list]] if you'd like to help work on the documentation. 
 +  * [[https://people.ias.edu/~mvanwinkle/var/exports/rosegarden_keymap.html|Keyboard cheat sheet for "Inserting notes and rests"]] February 5, 2024. 
 +  * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVhAneOg0sc|Rosegarden Tutorial Part 1 (video on youtube)]] August 7, 2018 
 +  * [[doc:manual-en|The Rosegarden Manual]] //(incomplete)// 
 +  * [[dev:Building Rosegarden from Source]] //(bug reports are most useful against the development version)// 
 +  * [[doc:tips|Notation Tips and Tricks]] //(from 13.10)// 
 +  * [[doc:Using Thru Routing]] //(from 16.02)// 
 +  * [[doc:Guitar MIDI Controller to Notation]] //(from 22.12)// 
 +  * [[doc:Expand Figuration]] 
 +  * [[doc:companion-en|The New Rosegarden Companion]] //(very old)// 
 +  * [[http://rosegardenmusic.com/tutorials/|HTML Tutorials]] //(newer, but many are old)// 
 +  * [[doc:external|Documentation Around the Web]] 
 +  * [[Users Helping Users]] //(before 10.02)// 
 +  * [[Frequently Asked Questions]] 
 +  * [[Low-latency Kernels]] //(probably obsolete)// 
 +  * [[keyboard_shortcuts|Keyboard Shortcuts]] 
 +  * [[http://www.n-ism.org/Papers/Microtonalism/codicil.pdf|Pitch Tracker]] //academic paper describing the pitch tracker// 
 +  * [[doc:GrandOrgue|Connecting Rosegarden to GrandOrgue]] from April 2020 
 +==== Español/castellano ==== 
 +  * [[doc:manual-es|El manual de Rosegarden]] 
 +==== Français ==== 
 +  * [[doc:manual-fr|Le Manuel de Rosegarden]] 
 +==== Deutsch ==== 
 +====  Svenska ==== 
 +  * [[doc:manual-sv|Handbok Rosegarden]] 
 +====  Japanese ==== 
 +  * [[doc:manual-ja|Rosegarden manual]] (partial) 
 +  * [[keyboard_shortcuts_ja]] (partial) 
 +===== Links ===== 
 +  * [[https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/rosegarden/|Richard Bown's talk at FOSDEM '23]] 
 +  * [[Articles|Featured articles on Rosegarden]] 
 +  * [[Projects|Projects using Rosegarden]] 
 +===== Translation ===== 
 +  * [[translator:Add or Update Translation|How to Add or Update Translation]] 
 +===== Testing ===== 
 +  * [[test:Rosegarden Test Plans]] 
 +===== Device File Development ===== 
 +[[dev:device_files|Rosegarden Device File (.rgd) Developer's Guide]] 
 +===== Pages for Developers ===== 
 +  * [[dev:Building Rosegarden from Source]] 
 +    * [[dev:Using git]] 
 +    * [[dev:Get Dependencies]] 
 +  * [[dev:Eclipse|Using the Eclipse IDE to work on Rosegarden]] 
 +  * [[dev:AddressSanitizer]] 
 +  * [[dev:Release Process]] 
 +  * [[dev:Development|More Development Notes]] 
 +===== Miscellaneous ===== 
 +  * [[wiki:syntax|Wiki Syntax]] - [[doku>DokuWiki]] 
 +  * [[Rosegarden Logo]] 
 +  * [[Donations]] 
start.1209555049.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/06 16:07 (external edit)
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