Shortcut Editor Test Plan
Make Play Space
Launch rg
Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts…
Filter: space
Select the “Punch In Record” row
Press “Remove all shortcuts”
Confirm Punch In Record disappears.
Filter: play
Select the “Rosegarden main window; Play” row
Double-click in the Shortcut box that has “Enter” in it.
Press the spacebar and wait a moment for the field to settle.
Click Ok
Confirm “restart required” message. Press Ok.
Restart rg
Press space
Confirm playback starts
Press the enter key to the right of the keypad on a full size keyboard.
Confirm nothing happens.
Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts…
“Reset all shortcuts to defaults” (button would be nice)
For now, go to each shortcut and reset.
To make this easier, click on the “User defined” column header twice to get the user defined shortcuts sorted to the top.
Rosegarden main window, Play. Reset. Confirm “Enter, Media Play, Ctrl+Return, Ctrl+Enter”.
Rosegarden main window, Punch in Record. Reset. Confirm “Space”.
Ok and Ok
Restart rg
Press the enter key on the keypad (or ctrl+return if your keyboard doesn't have a keypad). Confirm playback begins.
Press space to punch record.
Confirm recording begins as evidenced by a Segment appearing on track 1.
Press space to leave punch record.
Confirm Segment disappears since it was empty.
Press Ctrl+Enter to stop playback.
Remove the [UserShortcuts] section in Rosegarden.conf.
Launch rg
Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts…
Filter on media
Confirm five entries appear.
Conflicts: Normal path
Remove the [UserShortcuts] section in Rosegarden.conf.
Launch rg
Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts…
Filter: play
Select the “Rosegarden main window; Play” row
Double-click on the Shortcut which says “Enter”.
Press the spacebar and wait for a moment.
Confirm the conflict dialog pops up.
Click Ok.
Confirm shortcuts are now: Space, Media Play, Ctrl+Return, Ctrl+Enter
Restart rg
Confirm space is now play.
Conflicts: Reset to Defaults Introduces Conflict
Remove the [UserShortcuts] section in Rosegarden.conf.
Launch rg
Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts…
Filter: play
Select the “Rosegarden main window; Play” row
Double-click on the Shortcut which says “Enter”.
Press the spacebar and wait for a moment.
Confirm the conflict dialog pops up.
Click Ok.
Filter: punch
Select the “Rosegarden main window; Punch in Record” row.
Click “Reset to Defaults”.
Conflict dialog appears.
Click Ok.
PASS: 23 March 2022